I can't read books fashioned by writers and editors who insist there's such a thing as non-fiction.
In fact, I can't read because I am against non-fiction. I am of the anti-non-fiction faction. I am a non non-fiction believer. Contra non-fiction, I have a point of view. Nonsense and non-fiction have little in common, as any false positive test will prove.
The value and virtue of non-fiction lies in its ability to define itself as that which it is not. Non-fiction says nothing to me. It only designates that space inside of which writing is not false and also not not false. Non-fiction, by defining itself as the non-that, recedes into an imagined past when reality was defined as that which was, not that which was not non-existent.
Oh non-fiction, tell us who you are. Do you exist?
PS. By the way, I do like reading essays.